Beta Blocker Contraindications

Beta blockers are a popular medication, and they are one of the most commonly prescribed class of drugs on the market. They are typically used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems because they slow the heart rate. Because of their general functions, they can also be used to treat anxiety in some cases. Unfortunately, beta blockers have a history of increasing or instigating issues with depression. When your doctor prescribes you beta blockers to help treat a condition, you deserve to know the history and truth behind the drugs.

Types of Beta Blockers: Propranolol

Propranolol is the most popular form of beta blocker prescribed because it can be used for a wide variety of ailments. From high blood pressure and chest pain to atrial fibrillation and migraines, propranolol is an efficient and effective medication. In some cases, it can even treat the tremors associated with infantile hemangioma. The other types of beta blockers, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Sotalol, Nadolol, and Esmolol, all have common usages and side effects. They work by impacting the response of the body to nerve impulses in certain areas, like the heart, which decreases the heart beat and allows for a larger amount of blood and oxygen to enter the cardiovascular region.

Beta Blocker Contraindications & Notable Side Effects

The most common side effects of beta blockers like propranolol are changed in sleeping patterns, upset stomach, irritability, fatigue, and peculiar dreams, but if you experience these in accompaniment with itching, hives, swelling, and chest tightness, then you are having an allergic reaction and need medical attention. More severe side effects of propranolol include blistering and peeling rashes, chest pain, fainting spells, rapid weight gain, and abnormal heart rate. If you are experiencing issues that are not any of those particular conundrums, the cause may still be a result of the propranolol. There are certain contraindications that need to be watched for to guarantee health and safety when using a beta blocker medication.

If you have a hypersensitivity to the propranolol, you are at risk for cardiogenic shock or even overt cardiac failure. You can develop severe sinus bradycardia in addition to bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The contraindications of beta blockers can also cause severe sinus bradycardia. These sorts of issues are incredibly taxing and important to be alert for. Contact your doctor immediately if any of those issues arise.

European Journal of Internal Medicine


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